3 hours ago
Ad: Café racer style 1970 Suzuki T500 lll
On eBay here -->> bit.ly/41QODkb ... See MoreSee Less
- Likes: 53
- Shares: 6
- Comments: 2
Hoooray !! The pump is attached and on a tidy custom.
'Cafe-Racer Style' for the 21st century 🤣Post a video of it taking a right hander at speed please........
4 hours ago
Love the way Mick Robinson creates these photo images ... ... See MoreSee Less
This content isn't available at the moment
When this happens, it's usually because the owner only shared it with a small group of people, changed who can see it, or it's been deleted.5 hours ago
Ad: Kawasaki 400 S3A - Another good looking mid-size triple
On eBay here -->> bit.ly/4lbObEE ... See MoreSee Less
8 hours ago
Ad: 1981 Yamaha RD250 LC 4L1 - 'Fully restored including engine'
On eBay here -->> bit.ly/3E0Th5V ... See MoreSee Less
Great bike.
9 hours ago
What a sound ... ... See MoreSee Less
This content isn't available at the moment
When this happens, it's usually because the owner only shared it with a small group of people, changed who can see it, or it's been deleted.Great stuff 😃👍
Bring them back
They dont make bikes like this anymore. Simple funcional and perfect
Would love to smell it 😍❤️💪
12 hours ago
Ad: 1975 Kawasaki H1F 500 - Good looking bike 😍
On eBay here -->> bit.ly/3E0FtbC ... See MoreSee Less
14 hours ago
Ad: Tyga kitted Suzuki RGV250 VJ22
On eBay here -->> bit.ly/3E9u8pF ... See MoreSee Less
Simon Stratford
Robert Bowe
16 hours ago
Ad: 1968 Yamaha YR2 350 - A real classic 2-stroke 😍
On eBay here -->> bit.ly/3XCKrC2 ... See MoreSee Less
Luvit 👍
Luvit 👍
18 hours ago
Ad: 1977 Suzuki RV125 'Sand Bike' - Looks good value to me.
On eBay here -->> bit.ly/4l8eEmA ... See MoreSee Less
Bonjour, 125 suzuki van van est passé à la maison, juste modifier les pneus par des pneus voiture Michelin, et l échappement, idéal pour les dunes de sable et les ornières dans les bois !
Used to cane the sh*t out of one(all 10hp). Tyres are very, very hard to find. 6000km (4500mi for yanks) life of rear tyre, 10,000km (6000mi for yanks) from front tyre. The standard tyres are very soft compound to grip on sand, grip so good on tarmac I never slowed for rain-drenched roads.
23 hours ago
Ad: 1976 Suzuki RM250 with some serious mods
On eBay 🇺🇸 here -->> bit.ly/4hXXqpp ... See MoreSee Less
1 day ago
Ad: Ex-Bud Ekins 1979 Honda CR250R Red Rocket. Hands up if you remember Bud Ekins 🙋♂️
On eBay here -->> bit.ly/3E8AfKU ... See MoreSee Less
Went to his shop often in the early 70's. On Ventura Blvd. in Sherman Oaks if I remember correctly...
Didnt remember the Honda having kickstart on the left
That was my first motocross bike when I was 13
Great bikes, miss mine
Yes I remember him TOTAL LEGEND
I remember the crazy Elsinore
had 78 @79
Peter Watt
First 250 I ever rode as a kid, I can still remember how that felt, I had a kx125a7 at the time.
Elsinore power.
Total bad ass
1 day ago
Reckon you're brave enough to do a lap of the TT course on a screaming TZ750 Yamaha? 😲 (PS: Turn the volume up) ... See MoreSee Less

Unbelievable. What a bike
1 day ago
Ad: Suzuki RG 250 Gamma MK11 - Ever had one 🤔
On eBay here -->> bit.ly/43yLdUy ... See MoreSee Less
Great little smoker ...
Yip and it put manners in me at 16 🤣
I had the 125
Yes I did
Had 1 identical to this. Same angled front headlight.. (GPZ style). Unfortunately it ceased on its run from Sligo to Galway City Feargus Callagy . Wish I had it now.
A friend had one i had an RD350 😉
I had an 84 model... great little bike.
The first bike after passing my test, but with an YPVS RD350 engine, Mike Hose’s exe race bike, blew it up and had to put the 250 motor back in
Yes & Mk2 Mexico 😁
Na, ypvs 350 4 me
I have a 1983 MK1, was out on it at the weekend thrashing it about, very light and handles well, much better than the pig iron rd250 lc
The greatest all rounder of the mid 80s 250s.
Andy Quail
Mike Gent
No, but I had a mk3, a long time ago. Loved it when it wasn't grenading its fragile engine.
1 day ago
Ad: Good looking Suzuki GT550 - love the colour!
On eBay here -->> bit.ly/41Rt1El ... See MoreSee Less
I could be wrong but I think this colour is officially called 'Candy Turquoise' - Suzuki experts may know better 🤔
Hate the headlight... projector led ???
Love the headlight
1 day ago
Ad: 1976 Yamaha FS1-E in Baja Brown. Great memories for some of us 😍
On eBay here -->> bit.ly/3E3oSUD ... See MoreSee Less
My mate Dexy Gordon had one just like this. Couldn’t keep up with my AP50 though 😃
Yes great memories of mine 😎 the amount of miles I pushed it home 😆 self inflicted 😄👍
Had one, same color. Loved it!
Same 1977 model and colour i bought in 1978 used but like new £195.
Mainly saw them dissappearing in my mirrors as I went past on my Suzuki AP50
AP50 all day long looked bigger and better and had a 5 speed box
I had a brown 1976 model too, JDR370P
Had a 76 dx in yellow
Mine same colour brand new RCA814P £214 great bike loads of fun
Yes the prices have bombed Rd Rg 500s were 20k + now up for 14k. Good news for those of us who want to buy and ride and not keep as investments
Had one , same colour, 60 kit, micron, 15 tooth front sprocket, happy days
Best colour. Yellow being the close second.
Very cheap.
had one same colour VHG 426R
Mine from back in the day
OP. My only Moped, identical to this, 'eh Bob Baker !
Had one like that bought in 1980 £220. WAB 597R 👍. Great memories
Lovely bike but only four gears my Suzuki ap50 had five and I saw 58 on the clock!
To many Yamahas.... My least favorite bike....I unfollowed the site....
Had the same one P Reg in 77 year old £175:
I had a Puch Grand Prix and it could eat FSI-E’s in a straight line no wind!🤣
Yep had one exactly the same as this 👍
Always wanted one but ended up with a x7 first ….
5 years in and out of hospital thanks to one of them not such good memories after all
That’s not an FS1E
1 day ago
Ad: Cagiva Mito 'Yamito' Yamaha RD350 YPVS conversion
On eBay here -->> bit.ly/3XEbT2m ... See MoreSee Less
Anybody here ever ridden a similar conversion?
Gorgeous looking machine
Was the thing to do with them in the 90s, made a cracking bike all be it for midgets
Beaut , looks well done conversion 😎
Cagiva Mito's are pretty fast for a 125 to start with.
Robin Morton
John Hart
Bryan Harries 👀👌🏻
V-Nice matey 👌 👍
2 days ago
Ad: 1976 Yamaha RD400D - American version.
On eBay here -->> bit.ly/41Sas2W ... See MoreSee Less
2 days ago
Ad: 1969 Kawasaki H1 500 Mach III - The quick one
On eBay here -->> bit.ly/4iNl09B ... See MoreSee Less
That is a 1970. 969 was available in white with blue tank stripes only, first year. 1970 available in this red/white and dark grey/black
My old one with a proper front brake!! 😉🍷🍷
2 days ago
Ad: 1988 Yamaha TZR250 2MA 1KT - Any TZR fans around 🤔
On eBay here -->> bit.ly/3QUgKIV ... See MoreSee Less
Great looking bike .
I love them. Mine was an 89 reverse cylinder. Fun bikes.
2 days ago
What a bike - what a rider. CZ250 Jaroslav Falta replica.
#cz #czmx #jawacz ... See MoreSee Less
We're sold in Australia
I had the 125. I enjoyed it but wish I had bought the 250 instead.
Had a 400GP
Saw one in a dumpster years ago. Kick myself for not rescuing it..
2 days ago
Ad: 1993 Honda CR500R - How clean 😎
On eBay here -->> bit.ly/4c60q1m ... See MoreSee Less
Jason Anderson
2 days ago
How about this for an MX head-to-head challenge! - Max and Sean at 999lazer pit the big 2-strokes - the 600cc Black Panther and 700cc Megalodon - against a GasGas MC450F. Which one comes out on top? - find out here ... ... See MoreSee Less

That really depends across the Simson desert large hill climbing short circuit ECT All great bikes though
2 days ago
Ad: Yamaha TZR 250 1KT - What a pretty bike 😍
On eBay here -->> bit.ly/4l9CaQ4 ... See MoreSee Less
Beautiful TZR and for me the best colour
My first and only brand new bike I ever bought, in the very colour. (And the only bike I never stacked 🤣)
Daryl Endean get a bid on this
John Graham 👀
Anthony Gliddon
Terry Jacob
Front disc rivits painted!
2 days ago
Ad: 1980 Suzuki GT250 X7 - First 100mph production 250 - or was it 😄
On eBay here -->> bit.ly/4j2G8YW ... See MoreSee Less
If you greased an undernourished teenager, took the mirrors off and araldited him along the bike, might have managed it one way Suzuki had been claiming it since about 1968 lol, I think their first one that could actually do it was the 40hp RG250 twin...the 250LC could barely manage it with 5hp over the X7.....both would show you higher on the speedo though lol. I got a ticket for 86 on an X5 though lol..but I was A) trying pretty hard and B) pretty thin. I suspect a tailwind too
99.98 😂
Am I had one at 19 loved it top bike …
Mine had gold wheels
From memory, I heard they tried & tried to get one over the timing lights a MIRA at 100mph, but kept doing around 99.5~7mph until an old journo hack suggested removing the mirrors & it hit 100.1. There was a full article about this in one of the 1990’s bike magazines & whether it really was, or wasn’t, the much disputed first road legal 100mph 250cc. But there seemed to be a lot of variation with these X7’s depending if you got a good one or not, with most of the differences being how well the ports had been finished, some were quite rough whilst others quite smooth. Not difficult to get them done & a super easy bike to work on. We had one, it’d been run previously on chip pan oil & smelled terrible, whilst the tyres were practically square section & some of us referred to them Avon Death Masters instead of Speed Masters, although to be fair, they had a surprising amount grip! One day, it burned through a piston crown with a pop, probably due to lean mixture from questionable jetting not suiting the K&N filters & expansion chamber exhaust pipes it had fitted. Although the X5 looked very similar & shared a lot of parts, they were quite different in performance to the X7, with a smaller cc engine, lower state of tune & from memory, one less gear. But my first road legal bike was a Suzuki X1, the much smaller 50cc learner legal bike my Dad had bought, but had sadly become ill & had put it into storage for about 5 years until I could ride it. I wish I still had that bike now- especially for the sentimental value, which is priceless to me. 😞
My RD250B in 75 would do 107 on the clock in 5th , speed would drop in 6th , MCN test I think was 104 but if wrong it was close to
It was an iconic bike. In standard form not 100 mph. Same as the RD250. Kh250. All good for 85 ish mph in normal real world conditions. Not on a flipping track.
Nice bike, it was a fun bike, wheeled well, had one that did a 100 mph . It was tuned and a pig to start when hot, felt like the king of the road then. What a great time for.bikes..had a great time growing up.. enjoy your bikes my fellow bikers
Stan Steven's or Terry Beckett could get them past 100mph and on to even more than that, they must have made a good living out of their unique skills back in the late 1970s. My X7 could do about 95 I would love to have one of those guys play with mine but the finance payments and running costs took most of my apprenticeship money 💰 so it had to remain standard for the length of time I owned it.
Had one did a lot to it and would just do a ton microns bigger jets ported head work and more rocket ship...have to say not as exciting as 350 LC though but great fun
I thought the first road bike was the Suzuki T20?
Mine never did..used to manage around 95 at a push.but i just told everyone yep it does a ton.😉😉
Mine was brilliant so light no weight there, chopped my 185 in for it
I thought the rd250e had that honour. Either way non of them would do 100 mph with me or my mates on board (all big lads).
Nooo the Yamaha RD 250 power valve?
Had a YDS7 that could piss that bike and did ...mind you i did weigh 11 stone ..lol
I had a T250J in 1972 and got it to 95 ish on the speedo which at the time was very blurry. Mind you J was 22 and about 10 stone wringing wet and had taken the original bars off and put lower straight ones on. But the noise, the noise, I will never forget the howl of that engine. Fxxxkin awesome!
Ducati's 250 mach 1 was tested at over 100mph back in 1964. Look it up!
What about the cotton conquest, some was road registered and was timed at 105mph in the late 60's
I was led to believe and my cousin still has his was a Ducati 250 single road bike he raced at The Manx Grand Prix in the seventies, I know was a four stroke so sorry if it’s mentioned on this site, I may be wrong but it had the speed albeit a bit longer to get up to the ton so he said
My 1979 one only achieved an indicated 100mph when I fitted a new chain and sprocket kit which was supplied with incorrect (lowered) gearing, didn't like the new gearing and took the kit back. Reliably 96mph tops.
Wrong: 250 kawasaki samurai 1971.
I had a red one with Microns. Loud and quicker than the blue ones. Don't know about the white ones.😀
Not the first the 250 hustler did that
There were 2 before that early 60s road legal villiers starmaker basically a race bike with tacked on lights and the Ducati 250 desmo both broke the 100mph barrier in tests .
2 days ago
Ad: 1974 Yamaha RD250 - '2,200 miles from new'
On eBay here -->> bit.ly/3QUb4yz ... See MoreSee Less
2 days ago
Ad: 1977 Suzuki GT750B - Kettle time!
On eBay here -->> bit.ly/3QRoT0P ... See MoreSee Less
Canna beat a kettle 😁
Absolutely one of the best magic bikes
3 days ago
Ad: 1991 Yamaha TDR250 with some nice mods
On eBay here -->> bit.ly/3DU6Ion ... See MoreSee Less
Era una moto muy linda pero muy mala por eso ya casi no hay.
Great motobike but the gearbox is bs
8k wow
3 days ago
Ad: 1976 Kawasaki KH400 A3 - How clean 😎
On eBay here -->> bit.ly/3XEcHUR ... See MoreSee Less
76 KH400 - one of the nicest bikes I’ve owned. And I’ve owned a fair few including KH250’s and a H2. Used to love 2 strokes.
What a fantastic looking bike . I had a KH 500 ? The same colour , back in the day .
Love the S-3 so smooth 🇨🇦
I had the 500 same color , Very Fast 💪🏻
Perfect period look ❤️
Loved mine for the past 3 years. 76 KH400 painted as an S3. For sale on ebay 😉
There lovely bikes just so small?
Ik had de 500 cc in 1976
3 days ago
Ad: 1973 Yamaha YB100 L2 - 'Only 7735 miles'
On eBay here -->> bit.ly/3Yb76Wf ... See MoreSee Less
I had that model in gray coulor till 2012. Was great bike
Little beauty 👏
3 days ago
Ad: 1973 Kawasaki H2 750.
On eBay here -->> bit.ly/3Ro7hd4 ... See MoreSee Less
Crazy price, lot of orginal parts missing on the bike.
Ahh the flexy flier or the widow maker
Proper Motorcycle
WOW! . . . . . $9,500 will buy this One of mine
😂 24k
I think he's on drugs at at that price.
3 days ago
Ad: Road registered 1983 Yamaha YZ125K
On eBay here -->> bit.ly/3FJmra9 ... See MoreSee Less
Great woods setup for a small dude that didn't have a lot of money.
That would be neat as hell hi rpms at the stope lite ok let's go 🤪I would give er a try love me some smoke almost everything I have gets 50 to 1 lol
3 days ago
Double triples ...
📸 Kawasaki ... See MoreSee Less
That 400 was awesome! Had one the same at 17, it felt so fast and actually handled pretty well (until I dropped it)
Two awesome bikes 😎🤙🏼
I had a red one in the late 80’s. I miss it.
Two cool bikes
Feckin stupid place too park but that's six brain cells for you.
3 days ago
Ad: Suzuki GT750 Special
On eBay here -->> bit.ly/4iIxZJn ... See MoreSee Less
I don't think the owner has had it long.
Real nice looking bike but back in the day couldn’t catch my gs750
Very nice. But a stock engine?
Had a Piper 3 into 1 on mine...
Beautiful work
Nice job
Thought this was sold? If it was he didn't keep it long. Stunning creation.
Just badass 😎
Nice but overpriced
How much!!!! 😵💫😵😲
10k max
70 hp touring engine in a sport frame lol
3 days ago
Ad: 1987 Yamaha RD 350 YPVS 31K N1
On eBay here -->> bit.ly/441ldRF ... See MoreSee Less
It's got different front mudguard I modified a tzr250 mudguard on mine it changed the appearance very much
Amazing bike,i had one when I was 18,mine was in red &white love it
5k not perfect but over 3k cheaper than the one above
Buonasera, bella,quanto costa?
Adam M Rodgers
3 days ago
I'll just leave this here. Thanks to Big Mingers as always 👏 ... See MoreSee Less
This content isn't available at the moment
When this happens, it's usually because the owner only shared it with a small group of people, changed who can see it, or it's been deleted.One of the nicest bikes i ever rode.
Absolutely fantastic love them. When is this on again.
Seen some of these at Oulton Park. Absolutely stunning bikes.
Stephen Garton.. yum yum....
3 days ago
Ad: 1971 Kawasaki 750 H2
On eBay here -->> bit.ly/3XzvlNQ ... See MoreSee Less
Poor pictures, it's difficult to see if any of the rare 71 parts are on the bike
Nice in blue
1972 H2, 74HP, Candytone Blue.
Very nice bike
Great bikes but not sure in the current market if it will achieve 16K plus🤔if it does i may be tempted to put mine up for sale🙂
not a 71 dude
4 days ago
Ad: 1983 Yamaha RD350 YPVS 31K - Tidy powervalve
On eBay here -->> bit.ly/3FIbJkm ... See MoreSee Less
Bought one new can't remember what year it was but £2300 new put microns on it great bike.
Had one too
That's the YPVS for me. I think the black Allspeeds look far better than chrome ones as there's no other chrome on the bike apart from fork stanchions!
Was my first bike in 1989, with micron exhausts and single seat. A little rocket and I loved it!! 👌
Great looking bike
Merveilleuse moto 🏍️ 🤗✌️
Feuerstuhl haben wir das gute Stück genannt 🤌❤️
1975 Yamaha DT 250
Rich Simmons👍🏻
Had one B35AFC... used to love hearing the powervalves turning over on startup..😋😋👌🔥
And me 😎👍
4 days ago
Ad: 1990 Yamaha TZR 250 3MA reverse cylinder
On eBay here -->>https://bit.ly/4iNo2KS ... See MoreSee Less
4 days ago
Ad: 1977 Suzuki AP50 - 'believed only 681 miles from new'
On eBay here -->> bit.ly/444iEOT ... See MoreSee Less
Back again? Was this not on here a week or so ago?
My first bike, put together from boxes of bits with my late step dad ready to proudly ride to school on my 16th birthday 🙂
this is an a50k this was the third version if you like with foot pegs and chrome muddys
this is the m model mark 1 /a model whatever you want to call it this was the first version
this is the B model (mk2) made in july 1977 this was the second version
For everyone saying it's wrong...it isn't. It's a 1977 , I had exactly the same model from new
In Belgium, the small motorcycles were not sold with pedals, but with foot gear levers, and this model was sold with the famous red lights.
Mud guards. Indicators are not standard sadly make it look wrong.
this is a B model and is exactly 100 percent correct as it left the factory
Not original ...imo ..bikes like these will struggle to make the money ..we are of a certain age ...who rode said peds ....no thanks
BCX13R in Red, it would eat the FS1E due to it being unrestricted and light
I thought the mudguards were chrome
77 =78 bikes had painted gaurds 🤔 the blue looks incorrect
The exact version I had. I bought chrome mudguards for mine from a motorcycle breakers. I got 63 mph downhill and 54 mph on the flat roads out of mine. Sitting upright as laying forward on the tank didn't seem too stable.
Exactly the same as the one I had don’t see many with the springs showing on rear suspension and Iam sure plastic mud guards
Mine was slow,broke down all the time sold
It’s the “B” model
Oi! Fizzy Friday? 🙂
I had a 76 model with chrome mudguards,and then a 77 model with painted mudguards just as this one but in red
Had a red one 1976 very fast
Didn't know any had matching numbers, or is that it's a B model ?
Had 1 exactly the same!
It’s a c \64 model
My dad had a red one.
Had a red one. Red were always faster
4 days ago
Ad: 1981 Yamaha YZ465
On eBay here -->> bit.ly/41YS0Wt ... See MoreSee Less
4 days ago
Ad: 1983 Husqvarna 500 CR - A proper stump puller 🌳
On eBay here -->> bit.ly/3DZxImj ... See MoreSee Less
Års 83 👍
This is 1983
I want one bad
Års 84.
Is 1984
My friend one back in 1985. It was a monster
Not a 83
Derek Duckett
4 days ago
With his incredible achievements in World Superbike (and as King of the Jungle!), it's easy to forget how good Carl Fogarty was on on a 2-stroke. I first saw him at Aintree in the mid 1980's, and on his first trip to the Isle Of Man he stormed to victory in the 1985 Manx Grand Prix Lightweight Newcomers race on a Yamaha TZ250 with a 16 second margin. Further 2-stroke outings came on the glorious 500cc Cagiva C593 in the 1993 British Grand Prix and a victory at Macau on the Harris Yamaha 500. This cracking picture is from the start line of the 1988 North West 200 on a Honda RS250 and you can already see that legendary steely Foggy determination in his eyes. This pic is from the brilliant North West 200 archive which is well worth a look.
📷 northwest200org
#carlfogarty #classic2stroke #2stroke #2tak #NW200 #isleofmantt #cagiva #2strokelovers ... See MoreSee Less
Slight correction, he won the manx on a brand new 250 honda sponsored by appleby glade, i know because i did the newcomers race in the same year, so did Jamie whitham on a 250 suzuki gamma.
he was on on ? you dont reread what you write ?
Foggy,Lougher,Laycock andcfar right Alan Irwin.
Great rider, fond memories of his battles..... But. The incredible thing is that he was able to get a crash helmet to fit his head!
Was there at Donington in 93. That was so magical watching Foggy put many of the top GP riders behind him
Did he get a chance in MotoGP?
One very Determined Racer , Always Focused on the Race in Hand , A true Champion
Number 31 is in awe of him! Brave brave men!
My misses use to call him evil eyes, his starts and first lap speed was unbelievable. Never beat him into the first corner!
He also done a few gps in 1990 on Franki chili NSR 500
As Barry Sheene said, 'Carl is very well balanced, same size chip on each shoulder'. Great SB rider but not GP. Why is it some can't make the switch? I heard yesterday that WSB qualifying at Portimao only about 1sec slower than MotoGP so it may not be a speed thing.
At Aintree Foggy usually ran a TZ250 & a TZ350. One time he lined up in the 251-500 class on his 350 but it wouldn't run properly so he raced his 250 instead. Not actually eligible in the class but he won beating a few RG500s in the process!
One memory I’ll never forget Sitting on the line Castle Combe Foggy Gave the whole grid that foggy look
If you're quick, you're quick. Foggy was proper quick, and on anything.
helped pick up his bike at university corner at the nw200, he wasn't impressed
He didn't come close to the King, in the MotoGP/500cc he was mediocre and not close to the podium......
the eyes would physc you out on the grid ( sorry for spelling !)
I've met Foggy and went for a ride with him
Was my hero as I 17yr old
Not easy to forget..... a true legend
Bless him
Laycock Racing
George called him a useless wanker when he cried to borrow his RG500.
Lucky Lougher
4 days ago
Ad: 1981 Suzuki GT250 X7
On eBay here -->> bit.ly/42gfgz7 ... See MoreSee Less
Link has changed to a 550
Lovely pipes, All speeds ?
How much
WTF is going on with them pipes, wow
Had one back in the day mine was blue great bike and the smell off bellray two stoke oil uummm
I had same year bike in red it was quick off the mark happy days
Worst mistake selling my x7 so quick
One of my 80s Dream bikes
One of the nicest I've seen lately.
2stroke madness 👍🏾
Gorgeous bike
Tuve laGT 125 vicilindrica una bestia
Fierrazo japon
My mate had one the same as this same chambers aswell great for back wheel fun 👍
4 days ago
Ad: 1974 Suzuki GT550
On eBay here -->> bit.ly/424TVXZ ... See MoreSee Less
Very nice but spoiled with the black 'kneepad' panel.
I beg to differ on those pipes, I like em. Yes l know it's not how it should be, but those standerd pipes all the fixed baffles used to brake up inside the pipes + it was a 3 into 4 sistem which was odd and very heavy, these pipes make it sound right to, I would put these pipes on all those 3 cylinder Suzukis, but would not put the on eny 2 cylinder bikes. Cos thay would not look right.
It's them stupid pipes that ruin it
4 days ago
1993 Yamaha TDR125 - Never saw many on the road all those years ago - did you have one? ... See MoreSee Less
Boss bike these , rode a couple in me younger days
I had one full power it was brilliant I drove it hard every day to and from work for over 2 years , great weekend play and it was super fun . The only thing I can think that would have made it better was a kick start like it's DT125r brother.. mine would squeeze a indicated 90mph on the right road easly and felt strong acceleration, Great sound with a Ginnelli end can, wheelies easly , great headlights , in the end I got a super fresh nsr125 that was more powerful but not as fun as the TDR125👍
Got one now
Nearly bought a 250 but got an rd500lc instead.
My son had until he passed his big test, it’s was very quick for a 125
I bought one on a whim 15 years ago. A lot of fun for a mere 125
4 days ago
Ad: Stunning 2000 Aprilia RS250 Mk2 - Bike of the year for me so far. Check the pics 😲
On eBay here -->> bit.ly/4iFIpcJ ... See MoreSee Less
4 days ago
Ad: 1974 Kawasaki H2 750 triple - Bet this is fun!
On eBay here -->> bit.ly/42ino21 ... See MoreSee Less
Why are these never on eBay US?
Nathan Donahoe
5 days ago
Ad: 1977 Suzuki GT250. Good colour.
On eBay here -->> bit.ly/4hOUoDI ... See MoreSee Less
5 days ago
Ad: 1988 Kawasaki AR50 - it's definitely green!
On eBay here -->> bit.ly/4cgaaGE ... See MoreSee Less
Is that the 80 exhaust that derestrict them
Death trap on todays roads! Went much better with an 80 lump thrown in it
my mates bike i owned it for a while good little bike well worth the money and genuine seller too
I had the ar80 in green after my RD50 , would get 70+ out of it . Great bike seems so fast at the time then had a RD 125 LC .. good old days 2stroke
Anthony Baker In red or was it a 125 ?
Well, this was my first bike on the road when I turned 16 absolutely loved it. I put an 80 engine in it and the front wheel didn’t like to be on the ground.  and I must’ve gone through at least three or four front fairings 😜
How much,,!!! Mine was £550 from Kawasaki Newcastle in 1986 happy days
Had a Black F plate AR50 back in the 90's with Gold mag wheels and Micron can 👌
Original green ones is what collector's want so more exspensive than other ones
Always liked them specially the green one's but by then 50's were to slow!.
Me on my brand new AR50 1982 straight from the showroom.
My first bike ea64 keV in yellow
Equally as slow as the mtx 50🫢
Now here's a blast from the past
Went better with a 90 kit on it 🤣
The first geared bike I ever rode
Mean green
Had the ar 125 lovely bike
Had the 125..loved it
Had the green AR80 very quick 👍👍
Could walk faster 🤔 shame cos its a nice looking little bike..
The 80cc version was great, and there was a 96cc big bore kit for them that pretty much had them up with the 125s of the day. So tiny and light.
Had one
I had the scrambler version called the AE, heavily restricted and way slower than my mates dt50mx 😪
Had a red one , very happy days !